Press Releases for hangover cure

  • 756

    Hangover Recovery Shot - Could Save the US Economy Hundreds of Billions!

    Hangover Joe's Products Releases a new Hangover Recovery Shot that will be available in stores in the USA in early 2011. Hangover Joe's is an all natural green product for hangover relief & hangover recovery.

    By : | 12-25-2010 | Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness | Total Views : 756

  • 645

    A Hangover Cure for the Holidays

    As the holiday season approaches and the number of parties and gatherings picks up pace, the one downside is the ever resent possibility of a hangover. While moderating your alcohol consumption is an option many people try, you may want to look  at this alternative stop hangovers in their tracks.

    By : | 12-07-2010 | Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness | Total Views : 645